RESEARCH: Magazine Project Planning- Play Golf Sarasota

The cover layout pictures a golfer celebrating with a blurred out crowd cheering in the background. Another golfer is pictured at the top in between the words of the title. The magazine title is in white and bronze to draw attention to it, contrasting with the colors of the background. The kinds of articles featured include Golf Clubs, restaurants, and other smaller articles. The main features are all on different golf country clubs throughout the area. These articles appear on pages near the middle in the feature well. The ads feature golf gear, homes in country clubs, physical therapy places, and more. The ads are mostly before the feature well and then collectively together after the main articles. The table of contents has a dark, solid colored background with white writing. There are four articles picked out to the side in bold with pictures. The articles are all long shots or aerial shots of golf courses, some including features of their club such as food or homes. The distribution number is relatively small compared to bigger magazine companies, being that it is only distributed in Sarasota and surrounding areas. No awards have been won by this magazine.
