RESEARCH: Magazine Project Planning-Sports Spectrum

This magazine is an online issue. Sports Spectrum is sports based but also Christian. The cover pictures football players in a circle taking a kneel, it can be inferred they are praying. The title, Sports Spectrum, is pictured above in white over another picture of a stadium. In the corners are small captions detailing the articles inside.  The table of contents lists main articles on pages 6 through 83. 6 of the articles have cover photos that are featured on the table of contents. Main articles appear in the feature well and are all based around sports and faith in sports. A few adds appear in the beginnings of the article but do not interrupt in between any articles. The main articles are nearly all mid shots of a player or coach. The magazine is distributed online to viewers. Sports Spectrum is the #1 Christian sports magazine.
Image result for sports spectrum magazine cover september 2017
