
Showing posts from January, 2018

Revision 1: Formatting-Finished

After formatting my second page writing so it was justified, this is the result. Doing this made my article look more professional. Justifying it spreads out the words to reach both sides of the columns. This is the result:

Revision 1: Formatting

One revision I need to make is formatting my main article I wrote. On the second page, I need to justify my font so that it looks professional. I already did this on the first page, but I need to format my writing the same way on my second page. This is what my second page looks like without formatting:

Target Audience Research: Vype High School Sports Magazine

The audience of my magazine is high school runners as well as adults interested in competitive athletes going into college. It focuses on both genders. My magazine will cover readers throughout the United States. The income level will vary from high school students working part time, to adults that may have a full time job as a coach or trainer. The education level will also range, from a high school level to college level or further. VYPE High School Sports Magazine targets a similar audience, those interested in high school sports. Persuasive techniques they used consist of using f ull-color photos of high school athletes, unlike most black-and-white photos that are normally reserved for the inside or back pages of newspapers. VYPE High School Sports Magazine has taken full color, high-resolution photos of athletes, which fill their magazines. They market their product using online advertising.  Digital media is used with the distribution of this magazine. I would use digital med...


After reviewing my magazine with the teacher and class, I have changes that I will make to my magazine in the third quarter. One of the changes I have to make is to my flat plan. I have to fill in the rest of my flat plan where is says articles, and come up with title names. I also need to edit some coloring. On my table of contents it is hard to read some of the words. I might have to edit the background picture or the placement of the words to fix this as well. On the cover, some of the smaller sub titles are harder to read as well. In my article, mostly everything will stay the same. On the second page, I may have to format the words a little different. Also, I need to adjust the pictures. I need to make one of the pictures a main one. It should take up about a fourth of the page.

Use of Conventions

How does your product use or challenge conventions of your genre? My magazine is based off of the idea of high school athletes. Specifically, those who participate in cross country or track. Cross country and track season go back to back with each other, so coverage would be provided monthly. My magazine challenges a way in which sports magazines are usually done, because of who it focuses on. My articles are based around high school athletes. This will attract an audience of younger kids still in school, as well as coaches and others involved in the running business. The magazine may help to draw awareness to outstanding high school runners around the country. It will also update runners that may be competing against these athletes. Another feature of my magazine will provide helpful tips in all aspects of running. This may include shoes, what to eat and drink, and clothing. How does your product represent social groups or conventions? My magazine represents the social group of at...


For my table of contents I named it the starting line. I set it up much like how Sports Illustrated sets up there magazines. I put the features at the bottom with the page number, title, and description. I did this so there is still attention on a background picture, while also showing the articles. I also put in a section called departments, which will have articles/columns that will be featured in every issue.

Midterm Submission



I took many pictures at meets, and selected the chosen ones for my magazine as seen fit. These are some other shots I took but were not put into the magazine.


The flat plan I created includes 90 pages. A little less than half of the pages are ads, as seen in an ordinary magazine. I filled in the articles from my table of contents and departments into the proper pages. I also added some articles I had not featured in the TOC. There are some spaces where I am unsure what articles will go there, so I named it Article. I placed the ads usually before and after articles, to catch the readers attention as they're flipping from one story to the next, or see it on a previous page.

ACTIVITIES: Scheduled Interviews/ Develop Questions

Once I decided to write my article on Ben, I knew that for an interview it would be easiest to interview him after a practice. I came up with some questions I often hear runners talk about, as well as a few I have seen in other sports interviews. On Saturday December 16th, I interviewed Ben after an early morning practice. I wrote down the questions I had for him and wrote down his answers as he responded. Here is a list of the questions I asked Ben: How did you first get into running, at what age? How have you taken training more seriously since the beginning of your high school career? What effect did this have? What motivates you to run, especially long distance? What was the last race you did, and how did it go? How do you measure success as a runner? What do you find the most rewarding thing about running? Where do you look to go in the future as a runner? What's been the best memory you've made in your years running? What advice can you give for upcoming runne...

ACTIVITIES: Scouting Locations for Photo Shoots

While I do take pictures at all of the races, I had to keep in mind which locations may be the best to feature in my magazine. All cross country courses are different, making accessibility of seeing the course different as well. Some courses are easier to view runners and capture photos of them than others. I also kept in mind what types of shots I was taking, angles, and other key components. One of the places I found best for taking photos was a course we ran on twice this year, called Holloway. We ran both FL Runners and Regionals there, giving me two chances to capture pictures on this course. Every mile marker is accessible to viewers, which gave me three chances to take photos of our runners. I also took pictures at State, which was a highly anticipated race for Ben. The State course, that we also ran pre-State at, was also a great course for photos, especially with the scenery. Being able to capture him running downhill to the finish line was a great wide shot showing the last s...

ACTIVITIES: Scheduled Photo Shoots

Scheduling photo shoots for my magazine had already been done previously. Cross country season ranges from around August to November. At each race, I took photos with my Nikon D 3400 of the boys varsity races and photographed individuals on our team. A large focus was on Ben, due to his number 1 spot on the team and often finishing within the top runners. Some of the shoots I focused specifically on Ben racing, such as FL Runners, Regionals, and State. Ben, as well as the rest of the team, know I take photos at all of the races, so scheduling the photo shoots wasn't a problem.