Target Audience Research: Vype High School Sports Magazine
The audience of my magazine is high school runners as well as adults interested in competitive athletes going into college. It focuses on both genders. My magazine will cover readers throughout the United States. The income level will vary from high school students working part time, to adults that may have a full time job as a coach or trainer. The education level will also range, from a high school level to college level or further. VYPE High School Sports Magazine targets a similar audience, those interested in high school sports. Persuasive techniques they used consist of using full-color photos of high school athletes, unlike most black-and-white photos that are normally reserved for the inside or back pages of newspapers. VYPE High School Sports Magazine has taken full color, high-resolution photos of athletes, which fill their magazines. They market their product using online advertising. Digital media is used with the distribution of this magazine. I would use digital media as well, being that my target audience is mostly of the younger generation.

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