RESEARCH: Magazine Project Planning-ESPN
The cover layout of this issue of ESPN pictures an up close shot of Tom Brady's face, but edited on his predicted look in 2022. The letters of ESPN are written in a metallic silver and Tom Brady's head over laps the middle letters. This portrays the effect of him popping off of the page. The simple layout draws viewers to the magazine because of the large portrait of the player. To either side are captions about the main article on Brady. The articles included all revolve around the quarter back of the game. These pages appear around the middle of the article from 47-74. Most ads features are television networks, car company's, healthy foods, and sports drinks. These ads appear a lot in the beginning and after some of the main features. The table of contents pictures a quarter back walking across a field. The articles picture mostly close up shots of the athletes. The distribution number of ESPN is 2.13 million. The magazine has won seven Sports Emmy awards and more.
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